You're unique. So is our approach
Aloft takes a big-picture approach to each client, understanding that financing is a means to an end. We work first to make sure all parties are confident in the end goal. We ask the tough questions, we look at the upside and downside of each situation, we use our experience to end with a plan that achieves your objectives.
The issue many face with traditional lending is that it’s…well…traditional. If your deal needs a creative approach, industry-leading products, careful structure and a trusted business advisor—you may be looking in all the wrong places.
What makes Aloft different is our consultative approach combined with our long-standing relationships with a diverse group of national financial partners. This group provides us with the comprehensive set of funding programs needed to fill our clients needs. Using our working knowledge of each of our partner’s programs, we can mix and match programs to deliver the best fit for our clients.
For any loan in excess of $1 million, Aloft is prepared to get you the right funding for your transaction. At Aloft you will find a comprehensive set of loan programs designed to handle just about any need—we have the right solution waiting for you.
Not only can we handle traditional forms of financing at leading rates and terms, but we also have funders who specialize in exclusive or unique types of financing. Our process includes a well defined system of providing our clients with a partner who can handle the financing while they tend to all the other details of their operation. This disciplined process works as follows:
Step 1 : Understanding
Our first goal is to understand our client...what brought them to where they are, what their goals and objectives are and what issues we will need to address. It is through this understanding that everything else flows. This process emphasizes dialogue and discussion where, together, we create the structure that will best fit the circumstances
Step 2: The Proposal
Once we gather the information necessary to obtain a complete picture, we prepare an intricate financing memorandum that pulls together all aspects of the transaction into a document ready for underwriting. During the data-gathering process we are usually discussing the transaction with a number of capital providers who we believe may best fit this particular situation. We don’t enter your loan into a bidding contest. This benefits neither party. Rather, we use our relationships and negotiating strength to enhance terms and conditions for our clients. Once we have negotiated the optimum terms and conditions, we present and review a detailed proposal letter to our client.
Step 3: Approval & Closing
Aloft assists with managing the process toward approval. We send digital copies of all documentation to underwriting, we assist with additional questions, and we provide alternative structures and mitigating techniques if issues are uncovered. We review the final commitment with our clients and then assist them and their representatives with a swift and smooth closing.